C Function pointers

Function pointers in C are pointers that point to functions instead of data. They provide a way to store and call functions dynamically, allowing for more flexible code design. Function pointers are particularly useful for implementing callback functions, creating arrays of functions, and handling different behaviors in a uniform way.

Key Concepts of Function Pointers

  1. Declaration:

    • A function pointer is declared by specifying the return type of the function, followed by an asterisk (*), and then the name of the pointer. Parentheses are used to ensure the correct precedence.


    return_type (*pointer_name)(parameter_types);
  2. Initialization:

    • Function pointers can be initialized by assigning the address of a function to them. The function name (without parentheses) gives its address.
  3. Invocation:

    • To call a function using a function pointer, use the pointer just like a normal function call, passing the required arguments.

Example of Function Pointers

Here’s a simple example demonstrating function pointers in C:

#include <stdio.h> // Function prototypes void sayHello(); void sayGoodbye(); void executeFunction(void (*func)()); int main() { // Declare a function pointer void (*functionPointer)(); // Assign the address of the functions to the function pointer functionPointer = sayHello; executeFunction(functionPointer); // Calls sayHello functionPointer = sayGoodbye; executeFunction(functionPointer); // Calls sayGoodbye return 0; } // Function definitions void sayHello() { printf("Hello!\n"); } void sayGoodbye() { printf("Goodbye!\n"); } // Function that takes a function pointer as an argument void executeFunction(void (*func)()) { func(); // Call the function pointed to by 'func' }

Explanation of the Example

  1. Function Declarations:

    • The functions sayHello and sayGoodbye are declared before they are defined.
  2. Function Pointer Declaration:

    • In main, a function pointer functionPointer is declared that can point to functions with no parameters and no return value.
  3. Assigning Functions:

    • The address of sayHello is assigned to functionPointer, and the function is called through executeFunction, which takes a function pointer as a parameter.
  4. Calling the Functions:

    • The executeFunction function takes a function pointer as an argument and calls it using the func() syntax.

Advantages of Function Pointers

  1. Dynamic Function Calls:

    • They allow for dynamic selection of functions to be called at runtime, enabling flexible program designs, such as implementing callbacks.
  2. Implementing Callback Functions:

    • Function pointers are commonly used for callbacks, where a function is passed as an argument to another function to be called later.
  3. Simplifying Code:

    • They can simplify code that requires operations to be performed differently based on conditions without using complex if-else or switch statements.

Example: Using Function Pointers in a Callback

Here’s another example that demonstrates the use of function pointers as callbacks:

#include <stdio.h> // Function to perform an operation on two integers void performOperation(int a, int b, void (*operation)(int, int)) { operation(a, b); // Call the operation function } // Addition function void add(int a, int b) { printf("Addition: %d\n", a + b); } // Subtraction function void subtract(int a, int b) { printf("Subtraction: %d\n", a - b); } int main() { int x = 10, y = 5; // Call performOperation with addition performOperation(x, y, add); // Output: Addition: 15 // Call performOperation with subtraction performOperation(x, y, subtract); // Output: Subtraction: 5 return 0; }

Explanation of the Callback Example

  1. Function Declaration:

    • The performOperation function takes two integers and a function pointer as parameters.
  2. Performing Operations:

    • Inside performOperation, the passed function (addition or subtraction) is called with the provided integers.
  3. Function Pointer as Callback:

    • In main, the performOperation function is called with different operations (add and subtract) passed as function pointers, allowing dynamic selection of behavior.

Summary of Function Pointers

  • Definition: Function pointers are pointers that hold the address of functions, allowing for dynamic function calls.
  • Declaration: They are declared using the syntax that specifies the return type and parameter types.
  • Initialization: Function pointers can be assigned the address of functions.
  • Invocation: They can be called like regular functions by dereferencing the pointer.
  • Use Cases: They are useful for callbacks, implementing function tables, and handling variable behavior in a clean manner.


Understanding function pointers is crucial for advanced C programming, especially in areas like callbacks, event handling, and flexible function management. They enhance the capability of C programs by allowing functions to be treated as first-class objects, enabling dynamic behavior and modular code design.