CSS ::after property

The ::after pseudo-element in CSS is used to insert content after the content of an element. This pseudo-element allows you to add decorative or additional content following the actual content of an element, without altering the HTML structure.


selector::after { content: "text or value"; /* Other styles */ }
  • selector: The element to which you want to add content.
  • ::after: The pseudo-element that inserts content after the content of the selected element.
  • content: Specifies what content to insert. This property is required for ::after to function.

How It Works

  1. Basic Usage:

    • The content property defines the content to be inserted after the element's content. It can be text, images, or other values.
    .example::after { content: " (Read more)"; color: blue; }
    • In this example, the text " (Read more)" will appear after the content of any element with the class .example.
  2. Inserting Images:

    • You can use ::after to insert images by setting the content property to url().
    .icon::after { content: url('icon.png'); }
    • This example inserts an image after the content of elements with the class .icon.
  3. Using with Other Properties:

    • You can style the inserted content with CSS properties like color, font-size, margin, and padding.
    .highlight::after { content: " [Highlighted]"; color: orange; font-weight: bold; }
    • This example adds " [Highlighted]" after the content of elements with the class .highlight and styles it with orange color and bold text.
  4. Adding Decorative Content:

    • ::after can be used to add decorative elements such as icons, symbols, or additional text.
    .checkmark::after { content: "✔"; color: green; margin-left: 5px; }
    • This example adds a checkmark symbol after the content of elements with the class .checkmark and styles it with green color and margin.



<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>After Pseudo-element Example</title> <style> .note::after { content: " (Note)"; color: red; } .icon::after { content: url('icon.png'); } .highlight::after { content: " [Highlighted]"; color: orange; font-weight: bold; } .checkmark::after { content: "✔"; color: green; margin-left: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <p class="note">This is a note.</p> <p class="icon">Icon content.</p> <p class="highlight">This is highlighted.</p> <p class="checkmark">Task completed.</p> </body> </html>


  • .note::after:

    • Adds " (Note)" after the content of <p> elements with the class .note and styles it in red.
  • .icon::after:

    • Inserts an image after the content of <p> elements with the class .icon.
  • .highlight::after:

    • Adds " [Highlighted]" after the content of <p> elements with the class .highlight and styles it with orange color and bold font.
  • .checkmark::after:

    • Inserts a green checkmark symbol after the content of <p> elements with the class .checkmark and adds margin for spacing.

Important Points

  1. Content Property:

    • The content property is required for ::after to work. Without it, the pseudo-element will not be rendered.
  2. Inline-Level Element:

    • The ::after pseudo-element is inline by default. You can change its display property to block or inline-block if needed.
    .example::after { content: " - End"; display: block; margin-top: 10px; }
  3. No Direct DOM Manipulation:

    • ::after does not modify the DOM. It only affects how content is rendered visually.
  4. Combined with ::before:

    • ::after is often used in conjunction with ::before to add content both before and after the element's content.
    .example::before { content: "Start - "; } .example::after { content: " - End"; }
    • This example adds text both before and after the content of elements with the class .example.