CSS list-style property

The list-style property in CSS is a shorthand property used to define the appearance of list items in an ordered list (<ol>) or an unordered list (<ul>). It allows you to set multiple list-related properties in one line, simplifying the styling of list items.


selector { list-style: type position image; }
  • selector: The element to which you want to apply the list styles.
  • type: Defines the type of list item marker.
  • position: Defines the position of the list item marker (only for unordered lists).
  • image: Defines a custom image to use as the list item marker.


  1. list-style-type:

    • Defines the type of marker for list items. This can be a disc, circle, square, decimal, etc.
    • Values:
      • disc: A filled circle (default for unordered lists).
      • circle: An empty circle.
      • square: A filled square.
      • decimal: Numbers (default for ordered lists).
      • lower-alpha or lower-latin: Lowercase letters.
      • upper-alpha or upper-latin: Uppercase letters.
      • lower-roman: Lowercase Roman numerals.
      • upper-roman: Uppercase Roman numerals.
      • none: No marker is displayed.
  2. list-style-position:

    • Defines the position of the list item marker relative to the content. This property is relevant for both ordered and unordered lists.
    • Values:
      • inside: The marker is placed inside the content area of the list item, which means it will be part of the list item's box and may affect the text flow.
      • outside: The marker is placed outside the content area of the list item, which means it will be positioned outside the list item's box, leaving the content unaffected.
  3. list-style-image:

    • Defines a custom image to use as the marker for list items.
    • Values:
      • url(image_url): The URL of the image to use as the marker.
      • none: No image is used, and the default marker style is applied.


Basic Usage

ul { list-style: square inside url('marker.png'); }
  • This example uses a square marker, positions it inside the list item content area, and uses a custom image marker.png as the marker.

Using Individual Properties

ul { list-style-type: disc; list-style-position: outside; list-style-image: url('custom-marker.png'); }
  • This example applies a disc marker, positions it outside the content area, and uses custom-marker.png as the marker image.

HTML Example

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>List Style Example</title> <style> ul.default { list-style: disc outside; } ul.custom { list-style: square inside url('marker.png'); } ol { list-style: decimal outside; } </style> </head> <body> <ul class="default"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> </ul> <ul class="custom"> <li>Custom Marker 1</li> <li>Custom Marker 2</li> <li>Custom Marker 3</li> </ul> <ol> <li>Ordered Item 1</li> <li>Ordered Item 2</li> <li>Ordered Item 3</li> </ol> </body> </html>


  • .default class:

    • Applies a default disc marker positioned outside the content area.
  • .custom class:

    • Uses a square marker, positions it inside the content area, and uses marker.png as the custom marker image.
  • ol:

    • Uses decimal numbers for ordered lists, with the marker positioned outside the content area.

Important Points

  1. Shorthand Property:

    • list-style is a shorthand property for list-style-type, list-style-position, and list-style-image. You can use any combination of these properties in the shorthand.
  2. Order of Values:

    • When using the shorthand property, the order of values matters: list-style-type, then list-style-position, and finally list-style-image.
  3. No Marker with none:

    • Using list-style-type: none; removes the marker entirely, but you can still use list-style-image if you want to add an image marker without a type.
  4. Browser Compatibility:

    • The list-style property and its components are well-supported across modern browsers.