Dart Numbers

In Dart, numbers are a fundamental data type used to represent numerical values, including integers and floating-point numbers. Dart has a rich set of features for working with numbers, including built-in arithmetic operations, type conversion, and specialized numerical types. Below is an overview of how numbers are handled in Dart.

Number Types in Dart

Dart primarily has two types of numbers:

  1. Integers (int)
  2. Floating-Point Numbers (double)

1. Integers (int)

  • Description: An integer in Dart is a whole number, which can be positive, negative, or zero. Dart's int type can represent integers of arbitrary precision, meaning it can handle very large or very small numbers without overflow issues.

  • Example:

void main() { int age = 30; // Positive integer int negativeAge = -5; // Negative integer print(age); // Output: 30 }

2. Floating-Point Numbers (double)

  • Description: A double in Dart is used to represent numbers with decimal points. It follows the IEEE 754 standard for double-precision floating-point arithmetic.

  • Example:

void main() { double height = 5.9; // Floating-point number double weight = 70.5; // Floating-point number print(height); // Output: 5.9 }

Special Number Values

Dart also supports special number values:

  • NaN (Not a Number): Represents a value that is not a valid number, typically resulting from undefined operations (e.g., 0/0).

  • Infinity and -Infinity: Represents positive and negative infinity, respectively. These can occur when dividing a positive number by zero or when calculations exceed the representable range.


void main() { double result = 0 / 0; // NaN print(result.isNaN); // Output: true double infinity = 1 / 0; // Infinity print(infinity); // Output: Infinity }

Numeric Literals

Dart supports various ways to define numeric literals:

  • Decimal Literals: Regular numbers, e.g., 42, 3.14.
  • Hexadecimal Literals: Represented with a prefix 0x, e.g., 0x2A for 42.
  • Binary Literals: Represented with a prefix 0b, e.g., 0b101010 for 42.
  • Octal Literals: (Dart 2.0 and later do not support octal literals directly.)


void main() { int decimal = 42; // Decimal int hexadecimal = 0x2A; // Hexadecimal int binary = 0b101010; // Binary print(decimal); // Output: 42 print(hexadecimal); // Output: 42 print(binary); // Output: 42 }

Arithmetic Operations

Dart provides a rich set of arithmetic operators to perform operations on numbers:

  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (*)
  • Division (/): Returns a double.
  • Integer Division (~/): Returns an int by discarding the fractional part.
  • Modulus (%): Returns the remainder of a division.


void main() { int a = 10; int b = 3; print(a + b); // Output: 13 (Addition) print(a - b); // Output: 7 (Subtraction) print(a * b); // Output: 30 (Multiplication) print(a / b); // Output: 3.3333 (Division) print(a ~/ b); // Output: 3 (Integer Division) print(a % b); // Output: 1 (Modulus) }

Type Conversion

Dart provides methods to convert between different numeric types, such as from double to int and vice versa.

  • From double to int: Use toInt() method.

  • From int to double: Use toDouble() method.


void main() { double pi = 3.14; int piAsInt = pi.toInt(); // Converts double to int print(piAsInt); // Output: 3 int age = 25; double ageAsDouble = age.toDouble(); // Converts int to double print(ageAsDouble); // Output: 25.0 }


Numbers in Dart are versatile and can be used in various ways to represent both whole and fractional values. With support for different numeric types, special values, arithmetic operations, and type conversions, Dart provides a robust framework for numerical computations. Understanding how to work with numbers effectively is essential for writing efficient Dart programs, whether you are developing simple applications or complex algorithms.