JavaScript Array some() method

The some() method in JavaScript is used to test whether at least one element in an array passes the test implemented by the provided callback function. It returns a boolean value: true if any of the elements satisfy the condition, and false otherwise.


let result = array.some(callback(currentValue, index, array), thisArg)
  • callback: A function that is called for each element in the array. It can accept up to three parameters:

    • currentValue: The current element being processed in the array.
    • index (optional): The index of the current element being processed.
    • array (optional): The array some() was called upon.
  • thisArg (optional): A value to use as this when executing the callback function.

Return Value:

  • A boolean value (true or false):
    • true: If the callback function returns a truthy value for at least one element in the array.
    • false: If the callback function returns a falsy value for all elements in the array.

Key Points:

  • Stops processing on the first truthy return: Once a truthy value is found, some() stops checking the remaining elements and returns true.
  • Does not modify the original array: The some() method does not alter the original array; it only checks the values based on the callback function.
  • Commonly used for conditional checks: It is often used to determine if any elements in an array meet certain criteria.

Example 1: Basic usage (Checking for positive numbers)

let numbers = [-1, -2, 0, 1, 2]; let hasPositive = numbers.some(function(number) { return number > 0; // Check if any number is greater than 0 }); console.log(hasPositive); // true

Example 2: Using an arrow function (Checking for an object property)

let users = [ { id: 1, name: 'Alice' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bob', active: true }, { id: 3, name: 'Charlie', active: false } ]; let isAnyUserActive = users.some(user =>; // Check if any user is active console.log(isAnyUserActive); // true

Example 3: Returning false when no match is found

let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']; let hasGrape = fruits.some(fruit => fruit === 'grape'); // Check for the existence of 'grape' console.log(hasGrape); // false

Example 4: Using index and array parameters

let numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7]; let hasEvenNumber = numbers.some(function(element, index) { return element % 2 === 0; // Check if any element is even }); console.log(hasEvenNumber); // false

Example 5: Using thisArg

let threshold = { min: 10 }; let numbers = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]; let isAnyAboveThreshold = numbers.some(function(num) { return num > this.min; // Check if any number is greater than threshold.min }, threshold); console.log(isAnyAboveThreshold); // true


  • The some() method is a convenient way to determine if any elements in an array meet specific criteria defined in a callback function.
  • It returns a boolean indicating whether at least one element satisfies the condition, making it useful for checks and validations within collections of data.
  • The method can be particularly effective when working with arrays of objects, allowing for straightforward queries based on object properties.