JavaScript date.setMonth(month, day) method

The date.setMonth(month, day) method in JavaScript is used to set the month of a Date object according to local time. Optionally, you can also set the day of the month. This method updates the original Date object.


date.setMonth(month[, day]);


  • month: An integer between 0 and 11 representing the month (where 0 = January and 11 = December).
  • day (optional): An integer representing the day of the month (1 through 31). If not provided, the existing day of the month will be used.


  • The number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC, representing the updated Date object.

Example 1: Setting Only the Month

const date = new Date('2024-10-22'); // October 22, 2024 date.setMonth(0); // Change month to January (0) console.log(date);




  • The month is updated to January (0), but the day remains the same (22nd).

Example 2: Setting Both Month and Day

const date = new Date('2024-10-22'); // October 22, 2024 date.setMonth(2, 10); // Change month to March (2) and day to 10 console.log(date);




  • Both the month is set to March (2) and the day to the 10th, updating the Date object.

Example 3: Handling Overflow in Days

If the day exceeds the number of days in the set month, the method will roll over to the next month or year.

const date = new Date('2024-01-31'); // January 31, 2024 date.setMonth(1, 31); // Set to February (1), day 31 (invalid) console.log(date);




  • Since February (in 2024, a leap year) only has 29 days, setting the day to 31 causes the date to roll over to March 2nd.

Example 4: Setting the Month without Changing the Day

If you only provide the month argument, the existing day of the month is preserved.

const date = new Date('2024-07-15'); // July 15, 2024 date.setMonth(9); // Change month to October (9) console.log(date);




  • The month is set to October (9), while the day remains the 15th.

Example 5: Using Negative or Overflowing Values for Month

You can use negative or values greater than 11 for the month, and JavaScript will adjust the year accordingly.

const date = new Date('2024-10-22'); // October 22, 2024 date.setMonth(12); // Set month to 12 (overflow to next year) console.log(date);




  • Since 12 is an invalid month, it rolls over to January of the next year (2025).

Example 6: Using a Negative Month

const date = new Date('2024-10-22'); // October 22, 2024 date.setMonth(-1); // Set month to -1 (roll back to previous year) console.log(date);




  • Setting the month to -1 rolls the date back to November of the previous year (2023).


  • date.setMonth(month, day) allows you to set the month and optionally the day of a Date object.
  • If only the month is specified, the day remains unchanged.
  • JavaScript adjusts the date and time if the provided values for the day or month overflow or underflow.