JavaScript if statement

The if statement in JavaScript is a fundamental control structure that allows you to execute a block of code only if a specified condition evaluates to true. It is the basic building block for decision-making in your code.


The basic syntax of an if statement is:

if (condition) { // Code to execute if the condition is true }

How It Works

  1. Condition Evaluation: The condition inside the parentheses is evaluated. It must be an expression that returns a boolean value (true or false).
  2. Code Execution: If the condition evaluates to true, the block of code inside the curly braces {} is executed. If the condition evaluates to false, the code inside the curly braces is skipped.


let temperature = 30; if (temperature > 25) { console.log('It is hot outside'); }
  • Explanation:
    • Here, the condition is temperature > 25.
    • Since temperature is 30, which is greater than 25, the condition evaluates to true.
    • The message 'It is hot outside' is logged to the console.

Key Points

  1. Boolean Expression: The condition in an if statement is typically a boolean expression or an expression that evaluates to a boolean value.

    if (age >= 18) { console.log('You are an adult.'); }
  2. Truthiness: In JavaScript, any value can be evaluated in a boolean context. Values such as 0, null, undefined, NaN, '' (empty string), and false are considered falsy. All other values are considered truthy.

    let value = 'Hello'; if (value) { console.log('The value is truthy'); }
  3. Nested if Statements: You can nest if statements inside each other to handle more complex conditions.

    let age = 20; if (age >= 18) { if (age >= 21) { console.log('You can drink alcohol.'); } else { console.log('You are an adult but cannot drink alcohol.'); } }
  4. Short-Circuiting: When using logical operators with if statements, JavaScript uses short-circuit evaluation, meaning that the second condition is only evaluated if necessary.

    let isMember = true; let discount = isMember && 0.1; // 0.1 if isMember is true, otherwise false if (discount) { console.log('Discount applied:', discount); }

Practical Examples

  1. Basic Condition

    let age = 15; if (age < 18) { console.log('You are a minor.'); }
    • This example prints a message if age is less than 18.
  2. Checking User Input

    let userInput = prompt('Enter a number:'); if (userInput > 10) { console.log('The number is greater than 10'); }
    • This code checks if the user input is greater than 10 and logs a message accordingly.
  3. Form Validation

    let username = 'JohnDoe'; if (username === '') { console.log('Username cannot be empty.'); }
    • This checks if the username is an empty string and provides a validation message if true.


  • The if statement is used to execute code based on a condition.
  • It evaluates the condition and runs the code block only if the condition is true.
  • It can be used alone or in combination with else and else if for more complex decision-making.
  • Understanding how to use if statements effectively allows you to control the flow of your program and handle different scenarios based on conditions.