jQuery basic selectors

Basic selectors in jQuery allow you to select and manipulate HTML elements based on their tag names, IDs, classes, and other simple criteria. Here’s a breakdown of the most commonly used basic selectors:

1. Universal Selector (*)

  • Selects all elements in the document.
  • Example: $(" * ") selects every element on the page.

2. Element Selector

  • Selects all elements of a given type (by tag name).
  • Example: $("p") selects all <p> (paragraph) elements.

3. ID Selector

  • Selects a single element with the specified ID.
  • Syntax: $("#id")
  • Example: $("#header") selects the element with the ID header.

4. Class Selector

  • Selects all elements with the specified class.
  • Syntax: $(".className")
  • Example: $(".highlight") selects all elements with the class highlight.

5. Group Selector

  • Selects multiple elements by combining different selectors.
  • Syntax: $("selector1, selector2, ...")
  • Example: $("p, .highlight, #header") selects all <p> elements, all elements with the class highlight, and the element with the ID header.

6. Descendant Selector

  • Selects all elements that are descendants of a specified element.
  • Syntax: $("ancestor descendant")
  • Example: $("ul li") selects all <li> elements that are descendants of <ul> elements.

7. Child Selector

  • Selects all direct child elements of a specified element.
  • Syntax: $("parent > child")
  • Example: $("div > p") selects all <p> elements that are direct children of a <div> element.

8. Attribute Selector

  • Selects elements based on the presence or value of a specified attribute.
  • Basic Syntax: $("element[attribute]")
  • Advanced Syntax: $("element[attribute='value']"), $("element[attribute^='value']") (starts with), $("element[attribute$='value']") (ends with), $("element[attribute*='value']") (contains).
  • Examples:
    • $("[type='text']") selects all input elements with type="text".
    • $("a[href^='https']") selects all anchor (<a>) elements with href attributes that start with "https".

Examples of Basic Selectors in Action:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Basic Selectors Example</title> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { // Universal selector $(" * ").css("border", "1px solid red"); // Element selector $("p").css("color", "blue"); // ID selector $("#header").css("background-color", "yellow"); // Class selector $(".highlight").css("font-weight", "bold"); // Group selector $("p, .highlight, #header").css("margin", "10px"); // Descendant selector $("div p").css("font-style", "italic"); // Child selector $("div > p").css("text-decoration", "underline"); // Attribute selector $("a[href^='https']").css("color", "green"); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="header">Header</div> <p>Paragraph 1</p> <p class="highlight">Paragraph 2 with highlight</p> <div> <p>Child paragraph inside div</p> </div> <a href="https://example.com">Link with HTTPS</a> <a href="http://example.com">Link with HTTP</a> </body> </html>