Linux Keyboard Shortcut Commands

Linux offers many keyboard shortcuts to streamline command-line navigation, editing, and efficiency. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most useful shortcut commands, organized by function:

1. Navigating the Command Line

  • Ctrl + A: Move to the beginning of the line.
  • Ctrl + E: Move to the end of the line.
  • Alt + F: Move forward by one word.
  • Alt + B: Move backward by one word.
  • Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move backward by one word.
  • Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move forward by one word.

2. Editing Commands

  • Ctrl + U: Clear everything from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
  • Ctrl + K: Clear everything from the cursor to the end of the line.
  • Ctrl + W: Delete the word before the cursor.
  • Alt + D: Delete the word after the cursor.
  • Ctrl + L: Clear the terminal screen (similar to clear command).
  • Ctrl + Y: Paste (yank) text that was cut with Ctrl + U or Ctrl + K.
  • Alt + .: Insert the last argument from the previous command.

3. Command History

  • Up Arrow: Show the previous command in history.
  • Down Arrow: Show the next command in history.
  • Ctrl + R: Reverse search through command history. Start typing to find a previous command that matches.
  • Ctrl + G: Exit reverse search mode.
  • !!: Execute the last command again.
  • !<command>: Execute the most recent command that starts with <command>. For example, !ls runs the last ls command.

4. Working with Processes

  • Ctrl + C: Terminate the current process.
  • Ctrl + Z: Suspend the current process and move it to the background.
  • fg: Bring the most recent suspended process to the foreground.
  • bg: Resume a suspended process in the background.

5. Tab Completion and Auto-Suggestions

  • Tab: Auto-complete files, directories, and command names.
  • Double Tab: Show possible completions if there are multiple matches for auto-completion.

6. Managing Terminal Sessions

  • Ctrl + D: Logout of the current terminal session or close the terminal if in a graphical interface.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Open a new tab in the terminal (in most terminal emulators).
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Open a new terminal window.

7. Screen and Scroll Management

  • Shift + Page Up: Scroll up in the terminal output.
  • Shift + Page Down: Scroll down in the terminal output.
  • Ctrl + S: Pause output to the screen (useful for reading logs).
  • Ctrl + Q: Resume output to the screen after pausing it with Ctrl + S.

8. Bash Shortcuts for Substitution and Expansion

  • !$: Represents the last argument from the previous command.
  • !*: Expands to all arguments from the previous command.
  • !^: Expands to the first argument from the previous command.
  • ^old^new: Replaces the first instance of "old" with "new" in the previous command and executes it.

9. Customizing the Command Prompt

  • PS1 Variable: Customize the prompt. For example, PS1="\u@\h:\w\$ " sets the prompt to display the user (\u), host (\h), and working directory (\w).

Example command to change prompt temporarily:

PS1="\u@\h:\w\$ "

These shortcuts greatly improve efficiency and help streamline workflows in the Linux command line, especially as you get accustomed to using them regularly.