MongoDB indexing strategies and performance

In MongoDB, indexing is crucial for optimizing query performance, especially in large collections. However, over-indexing or poorly designed indexes can negatively impact performance. Understanding various indexing strategies can help you strike the right balance between speed and resource usage.

1. Why Indexing Matters

Indexes enhance query performance by reducing the amount of data MongoDB has to scan to fulfill a query. Instead of scanning all documents in a collection, MongoDB uses indexes to find matching documents quickly.

Without indexes:

  • MongoDB performs a collection scan (scans every document in the collection), which is slow for large datasets. With indexes:
  • MongoDB performs index scans (only scans relevant index entries), which is much faster.

2. Indexing Strategies in MongoDB

Choosing the right indexing strategy depends on your application's query patterns, the type of data you are working with, and the trade-offs between read and write performance.

a) Single-Field Indexes

  • When to Use: When queries frequently filter by a single field. It’s the most straightforward and common index.

  • Example: Indexing the age field for queries like db.users.find({ age: 25 }).

  • Performance Impact:

    • Great for simple queries.
    • Provides fast lookups for specific fields but does not optimize queries with multiple fields.

b) Compound Indexes

  • When to Use: When your queries involve multiple fields. Compound indexes are useful for sorting and filtering on multiple fields.

  • Example: A compound index on { "lastName": 1, "firstName": 1 } would optimize a query like:

    db.users.find({ lastName: "Smith", firstName: "John" });
  • Performance Impact:

    • More efficient for queries that filter on multiple fields.
    • Index Prefix Rule: MongoDB can use the compound index for queries that match the prefix of the index fields. For example, the index { "lastName": 1, "firstName": 1 } can be used for queries involving only lastName, but not for queries involving only firstName.
    • Drawback: Compound indexes are more expensive to maintain than single-field indexes.

c) Multikey Indexes (Indexing Arrays)

  • When to Use: When a field contains an array of values, and you need to query on individual elements of that array.

  • Example: For a document structure like { tags: ["mongodb", "database"] }, a multikey index on the tags field would allow efficient queries like:

    db.articles.find({ tags: "mongodb" });
  • Performance Impact:

    • Enables efficient querying on arrays.
    • Limitations:
      • Multikey indexes can’t be created on fields that have arrays containing other arrays.
      • You cannot create compound indexes if multiple fields are arrays.

d) Text Indexes (Full-Text Search)

  • When to Use: When you need to perform text searches within string fields. MongoDB text indexes allow for searching documents that contain specific words or phrases.

  • Example:

    db.articles.createIndex({ content: "text" }); db.articles.find({ $text: { $search: "MongoDB" } });
  • Performance Impact:

    • Great for keyword searches within large text fields.
    • Can only have one text index per collection.
    • Drawback: Text searches can be slower than simple field searches because of tokenization and scoring involved in text indexes.

e) Geospatial Indexes

  • When to Use: When dealing with location-based data. Geospatial indexes allow efficient queries related to geographic data, such as finding nearby places.

  • Example: A 2dsphere index on the location field allows queries like finding locations within a certain radius.

    db.places.createIndex({ location: "2dsphere" });
  • Performance Impact:

    • Crucial for location-based queries like find places near me.
    • Adds overhead in terms of index maintenance, so should only be used when geographic querying is a key part of your application.

f) TTL (Time to Live) Indexes

  • When to Use: When you need to automatically remove documents after a certain amount of time, such as for expiring session data.

  • Example: A TTL index on the createdAt field will automatically remove documents after 24 hours.

    db.sessions.createIndex({ createdAt: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 86400 });
  • Performance Impact:

    • Reduces the need for manual deletion of old data.
    • Useful for managing volatile or temporary data without manual intervention.

g) Hashed Indexes

  • When to Use: For sharding in MongoDB. Hashed indexes distribute writes more evenly across a sharded cluster by indexing documents based on a hash of the field’s value.

  • Example:

    db.collection.createIndex({ _id: "hashed" });
  • Performance Impact:

    • Useful for even data distribution in sharded environments.
    • Does not support range queries (e.g., find values > 10).

3. Performance Considerations

a) Index Size and RAM Usage

  • MongoDB keeps indexes in memory (RAM) as much as possible. If your index is larger than the available RAM, MongoDB has to read from disk, which slows down queries.
  • Tip: Ensure your most frequently queried indexes fit in memory. You can monitor index size using the db.collection.stats() command.

b) Index Creation and Maintenance

  • Indexes slow down write operations (inserts, updates, and deletes) because MongoDB needs to update the indexes whenever the indexed data changes.
  • Tip: Be selective in creating indexes. Avoid creating indexes that aren't necessary for performance-critical queries.

c) Index Cardinality

  • High cardinality: Fields with many unique values (e.g., email or user_id) benefit most from indexing because they dramatically reduce the number of documents scanned.
  • Low cardinality: Fields with few unique values (e.g., gender or boolean fields) may not benefit as much from indexes, since queries still need to scan many documents.

d) Index and Query Alignment

  • Indexes should align with query patterns. MongoDB uses index intersection, which means multiple indexes can be used in combination to optimize a query, but it’s better to design an index specifically for common query patterns.

4. Balancing Indexes: Read vs Write Performance

  • Read-Heavy Applications: Create indexes on fields that are frequently queried to optimize read performance.
  • Write-Heavy Applications: Be cautious with indexes, as they slow down writes. Minimize the number of indexes to avoid write overhead.

5. Analyzing Index Performance

MongoDB provides tools to analyze the performance of your indexes:

  • explain(): Use this method to see how MongoDB uses indexes for a specific query.

    db.collection.find({ age: 25 }).explain("executionStats");

    This shows whether an index is being used and provides details on query execution time.

  • db.collection.stats(): This shows index size and memory usage.