MongoDB Schema Validation example

Schema Validation in MongoDB allows you to define rules for the structure of documents within a collection. By specifying a schema, you can enforce data consistency and ensure that documents conform to certain constraints. Here’s how you can define schema validation for a MongoDB collection with the keys "title", "body", "category", "links", "tags", and "date".

Example Schema Validation

Suppose you have a collection named posts, and you want to enforce validation rules on the following fields:

  • title: A string that must be present.
  • body: A string that must be present.
  • category: A string that must be present and limited to a set of predefined values.
  • links: An array of strings where each string must be a valid URL.
  • tags: An array of strings where each string is a tag.
  • date: A date field that must be a valid ISO date format.

Here’s how you can define schema validation for this structure using MongoDB's JSON Schema validator:

Defining Validation Rules

  1. Create the Collection with Validation Rules: You can create the collection with schema validation rules using the createCollection command.

    db.createCollection("posts", { validator: { $jsonSchema: { bsonType: "object", required: ["title", "body", "category", "date"], // Fields that must be present properties: { title: { bsonType: "string", description: "Title must be a string and is required" }, body: { bsonType: "string", description: "Body must be a string and is required" }, category: { bsonType: "string", enum: ["news", "blog", "article"], // Restrict to these predefined values description: "Category must be one of the specified values and is required" }, links: { bsonType: "array", items: { bsonType: "string", pattern: "^(http|https)://.*$" // Must be a valid URL }, description: "Links must be an array of valid URLs" }, tags: { bsonType: "array", items: { bsonType: "string" }, description: "Tags must be an array of strings" }, date: { bsonType: "date", description: "Date must be a valid ISODate" } } } }, validationAction: "error", // Use "warn" if you want to log warnings instead of errors validationLevel: "strict" // Use "moderate" to allow existing documents not matching the schema });
  2. Update Validation Rules for an Existing Collection: If you need to modify the validation rules for an existing collection, you can use the collMod command.

    db.runCommand({ collMod: "posts", validator: { $jsonSchema: { bsonType: "object", required: ["title", "body", "category", "date"], // Ensure fields are present properties: { title: { bsonType: "string", description: "Title must be a string and is required" }, body: { bsonType: "string", description: "Body must be a string and is required" }, category: { bsonType: "string", enum: ["news", "blog", "article"], // Enforce predefined values description: "Category must be one of the specified values and is required" }, links: { bsonType: "array", items: { bsonType: "string", pattern: "^(http|https)://.*$" // Validate URLs }, description: "Links must be an array of valid URLs" }, tags: { bsonType: "array", items: { bsonType: "string" }, description: "Tags must be an array of strings" }, date: { bsonType: "date", description: "Date must be a valid ISODate" } } } }, validationAction: "error", // Set to "warn" for warnings validationLevel: "strict" // Change to "moderate" if needed });

Key Points of Schema Validation

  • Required Fields: The required array specifies which fields must be present in the document.
  • Data Types: bsonType specifies the expected data type for each field (e.g., string, date, array).
  • Enumerations: The enum field restricts the value to a predefined set of options (useful for fields like category).
  • Pattern Matching: The pattern field is used to validate string formats (e.g., ensuring URLs are valid).
  • Array Validation: You can validate items within an array, such as ensuring that links contains only valid URLs.
  • Validation Actions: validationAction can be set to error to reject invalid documents or warn to log warnings without rejecting them.
  • Validation Levels: validationLevel can be strict (enforces schema for all documents) or moderate (enforces schema only for new or modified documents).