Next JS Defining Routes

In Next.js, defining routes is primarily handled through the file-based routing system. This approach allows developers to create pages simply by adding files to specific directories. Here’s an overview of how you can define routes in Next.js:

1. Pages Directory Routing

  • The pages directory is the core of Next.js routing.
  • Each file inside the pages directory automatically becomes a route.
  • Example structure:
    my-next-app/ └── pages/ ├── index.js ├── about.js └── blog/ ├── index.js └── [id].js
  • Routes:
    • /pages/index.js
    • /aboutpages/about.js
    • /blogpages/blog/index.js
    • /blog/1pages/blog/[id].js

2. Dynamic Routes

  • Dynamic routes allow creating paths that can handle variable segments.
  • Dynamic segments are defined using square brackets [ ].
  • Example:
    • File: pages/posts/[postId].js
    • Route: /posts/1, /posts/2, etc.
  • To get the dynamic segment inside the page, you use getStaticProps or getServerSideProps along with useRouter.
    import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; const Post = () => { const router = useRouter(); const { postId } = router.query; return <p>Post ID: {postId}</p>; }; export default Post;

3. Nested Routes

  • You can create nested routes by using subdirectories inside the pages directory.
  • Example:
    • Directory: pages/users/[userId]/settings.js
    • Route: /users/1/settings

4. Catch-All Routes

  • Catch-all routes allow a single page to handle multiple nested paths.
  • To define a catch-all route, use [...param].
  • Example:
    • File: pages/blog/[...slug].js
    • Routes: /blog/a, /blog/a/b, /blog/a/b/c
  • Example usage:
    import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; const Blog = () => { const router = useRouter(); const { slug } = router.query; return <p>Slug: {slug && slug.join('/')}</p>; }; export default Blog;

5. Index Files

  • An index.js file in a folder will be treated as the root of that folder.
  • For instance, pages/blog/index.js will be mapped to /blog.

6. API Routes

  • You can also define API routes within the pages/api directory.
  • Each file in pages/api becomes an API endpoint.
  • Example:
    • File: pages/api/hello.js
    • Route: /api/hello
  • Example usage:
    export default function handler(req, res) { res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello World' }); }

7. Customizing with App Router (Optional)

  • In Next.js 13, the App Router was introduced, offering an alternative to the pages directory.
  • You can use the app directory for defining routes with React Server Components.
  • Example:
    my-next-app/ └── app/ ├── page.js // Maps to / ├── about/ └── page.js // Maps to /about └── blog/ └── [id]/ └── page.js // Maps to /blog/:id


  • File-based routing: Each file in the pages or app directory automatically corresponds to a route.
  • Dynamic routing: Defined using [param] for dynamic segments.
  • Catch-all routing: Use [...param] to handle multiple nested routes.
  • Nested routing: Achieved using subdirectories.
  • API routes: Use pages/api to define serverless API endpoints.

With this approach, Next.js offers a powerful, intuitive, and zero-configuration routing system that can handle both static and dynamic routes effortlessly.