Next JS Middleware

Middleware in Next.js is a powerful feature that allows developers to execute custom code before a request is completed. It acts as an intermediary layer that can be used to handle various tasks such as authentication, logging, redirects, modifying requests or responses, and more. Middleware can significantly enhance the functionality and security of Next.js applications.

1. Understanding Middleware

Middleware runs on the server and intercepts incoming requests to your application. It can perform various actions based on the request, such as:

  • Checking user authentication or permissions.
  • Redirecting users to different routes.
  • Modifying request and response headers.
  • Implementing rate limiting or logging.

2. Creating Middleware

To create middleware in Next.js, you define a middleware.js file in your project. This file will contain the middleware function that processes incoming requests.

a. Example Directory Structure

app/ middleware.js

3. Defining a Basic Middleware Function

Here's a simple example of how to create a middleware function that logs incoming requests:

// app/middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'; export function middleware(request) { console.log(`Request made to: ${request.nextUrl.pathname}`); // Log the request path return; // Proceed to the next middleware or route handler }

4. Using Middleware for Authentication

A common use case for middleware is to protect routes by checking if a user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, the middleware can redirect them to a login page.

a. Example Authentication Middleware

// app/middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'; export function middleware(request) { const isAuthenticated = // Logic to check if the user is authenticated, e.g., checking cookies or tokens if (!isAuthenticated && request.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/protected')) { return NextResponse.redirect(new URL('/login', request.url)); // Redirect to login if not authenticated } return; // Continue to the requested route } // Specify which paths to intercept export const config = { matcher: ['/protected/:path*'], // Apply middleware to protected routes };

5. Middleware Logic Breakdown

  • Checking Authentication: In the middleware function, you can implement logic to verify user authentication. This could involve checking cookies, tokens, or session data.
  • Redirecting Users: If the user is not authenticated and attempts to access a protected route, the middleware redirects them to a login page.
  • If the user is authenticated, the middleware allows the request to proceed to the next middleware or the route handler.

6. Using Middleware for Logging

You can use middleware to log various types of information, such as request methods, headers, or user agents. This can be helpful for monitoring and debugging.

a. Example Logging Middleware

// app/middleware.js export function middleware(request) { console.log(`Method: ${request.method}`); console.log(`Headers: ${JSON.stringify(request.headers)}`); return; // Continue processing the request }

7. Handling Errors in Middleware

Middleware can also be used to catch and handle errors that occur during request processing. This allows you to provide custom error responses.

a. Example Error Handling in Middleware

export function middleware(request) { try { // Your middleware logic here } catch (error) { console.error('Middleware error:', error); return new Response('Internal Server Error', { status: 500 }); // Custom error response } return; // Continue processing the request }

8. Using Middleware to Modify Requests and Responses

You can modify request and response headers or data in your middleware. This is useful for adding security headers, custom authentication tokens, or modifying the response format.

a. Example Modifying Headers

export function middleware(request) { const response =; // Get the default response // Modify response headers response.headers.set('X-Custom-Header', 'MyValue'); return response; // Return the modified response }

9. Configuring Middleware

You can configure which routes the middleware applies to by using the config object. This allows you to specify patterns for paths that should trigger the middleware.

a. Example Configuring Middleware

export const config = { matcher: ['/api/:path*', '/protected/:path*'], // Apply middleware to API routes and protected paths };

10. Performance Considerations

While middleware can provide valuable functionality, it also runs on every request. It's important to ensure that the logic you implement is efficient and doesn't introduce significant performance overhead.


Middleware in Next.js provides a robust way to intercept requests and implement custom logic. Key points about middleware include:

  1. Definition: Create a middleware.js file to define middleware functions for your application.

  2. Request Interception: Middleware can intercept requests to perform actions such as logging, authentication checks, and error handling.

  3. Redirection: Implement logic to redirect users based on conditions (e.g., authentication status).

  4. Response Modification: Middleware can modify request and response headers and data before reaching the final route handler.

  5. Configuration: Use the config object to specify which routes the middleware applies to.

  6. Error Handling: Catch and handle errors that occur during request processing.

By effectively using middleware in your Next.js applications, you can enhance functionality, improve security, and create a better user experience.