Next JS Project Structure

Next.js organizes its file structure in a way that emphasizes conventions for building scalable and maintainable React applications. Here’s a breakdown of the core components in a typical Next.js project:

1. Root Directory

This is where configuration files and the main directories live.

  • package.json: Defines the project’s dependencies and scripts.
  • next.config.js: Config file for custom Next.js configurations (optional).
  • .env.local / .env.production: Environment variable files for local or production configurations.
  • node_modules/: Directory where all project dependencies are installed.

2. pages/ Directory

This is where all the routes are defined. Next.js automatically maps each file inside this folder to a route.

  • index.js: This is the root page (mapped to /).
  • about.js: A file in the pages/ directory like about.js would be mapped to /about.
  • [slug].js: Dynamic routes use square brackets, such as [slug].js, allowing for URLs like /post/my-first-post.
  • _app.js: This file overrides the default App component, used to wrap all page components. Ideal for global layouts, global state providers, or including styles across the app.
  • _document.js: Customizes the HTML document (e.g., changing the <html> and <body> tags). This file is commonly used to inject CSS libraries like styled-components.
  • api/: This folder inside pages/ is used to define API routes. Any JavaScript file inside the api directory will be treated as an API route instead of a page.

3. public/ Directory

  • Contains static assets like images, fonts, or any file you want to serve directly.
  • Files in this directory can be accessed directly via /filename (e.g., an image logo.png in this directory will be available at http://localhost:3000/logo.png).

4. components/ Directory

  • It holds reusable React components, which can be imported into various pages.
  • This directory isn't required by Next.js, but it’s a convention followed to keep your UI elements modular and organized.

5. styles/ Directory

  • This is where you can place your CSS files. You can define global styles, CSS modules, or even use SCSS or any other preprocessor.
  • globals.css: A file that imports global CSS, typically used inside pages/_app.js.

6. lib/ or utils/ Directory

  • Contains helper functions, custom hooks, or any utility logic you want to use across different parts of the application.
  • Not required but commonly used to store logic that should not be tied to a specific component or page.

7. hooks/ Directory

  • (Optional) If you are using custom React hooks, this folder organizes all your custom hooks that can be reused across components.

8. middleware/ Directory (Optional)

  • As of Next.js 12 and beyond, this can be used for defining custom middleware that runs before rendering a page, useful for tasks like authentication or redirects.

9. store/ Directory (Optional)

  • If you're using a state management library like Redux or Zustand, this is where you could define your global store configuration.

10. .next/ Directory

  • This is a generated directory that holds the build files after running a build (next build). It should be ignored in version control.

Example File Structure:

my-next-app/ │ ├── node_modules/ ├── pages/ │ ├── api/ │ │ └── hello.js │ ├── _app.js │ ├── _document.js │ ├── index.js │ └── about.js ├── components/ │ └── Navbar.js ├── styles/ │ ├── globals.css │ └── Home.module.css ├── public/ │ └── logo.png ├── lib/ │ └── fetcher.js ├── package.json ├── next.config.js └── .env.local

This structure helps you create well-organized and scalable Next.js applications by separating concerns like pages, components, and API routes.