PHP array() function

The array() function in PHP is used to create an array. Arrays in PHP are versatile data structures that can hold multiple values under a single variable name. This function allows you to define both indexed and associative arrays.


array(mixed $value1, mixed $value2, ..., mixed $valueN)


  • mixed $value1, $value2, ..., $valueN: A variable number of values that you want to include in the array. You can pass as many values as you like, including other arrays.

Return Value:

  • The function returns an array containing the values passed as arguments.

Example 1: Creating an Indexed Array

An indexed array uses numeric keys to store values. Here's how you can create one:

<?php $fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"); // Output the array print_r($fruits); ?>


Array ( [0] => Apple [1] => Banana [2] => Cherry )

Example 2: Creating an Associative Array

An associative array uses named keys that you assign to them. This allows you to access values using those keys.

<?php $person = array( "name" => "John", "age" => 30, "city" => "New York" ); // Output the array print_r($person); ?>


Array ( [name] => John [age] => 30 [city] => New York )

Example 3: Creating a Multi-Dimensional Array

You can also create arrays within arrays, known as multi-dimensional arrays. This is useful for storing more complex data structures.

<?php $students = array( array("name" => "Alice", "age" => 22), array("name" => "Bob", "age" => 24), array("name" => "Charlie", "age" => 23) ); // Output the array print_r($students); ?>


Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Alice [age] => 22 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Bob [age] => 24 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Charlie [age] => 23 ) )

Example 4: Using array() to Create an Empty Array

You can also create an empty array and populate it later.

<?php $empty_array = array(); // Create an empty array // Add elements to the array $empty_array[] = "First Item"; $empty_array[] = "Second Item"; // Output the array print_r($empty_array); ?>


Array ( [0] => First Item [1] => Second Item )

Example 5: Nested Arrays

You can create nested arrays, allowing for even more complex data structures.

<?php $library = array( "fiction" => array("The Great Gatsby", "1984"), "non_fiction" => array("Sapiens", "Educated") ); // Output the array print_r($library); ?>


Array ( [fiction] => Array ( [0] => The Great Gatsby [1] => 1984 ) [non_fiction] => Array ( [0] => Sapiens [1] => Educated ) )


  • The array() function is a fundamental method in PHP for creating arrays, which can be indexed or associative.
  • You can store multiple types of data within arrays, including other arrays, allowing for complex data structures.
  • Arrays are commonly used for storing lists of items, configuration options, and more, making them an essential part of PHP programming.


As of PHP 5.4, you can also use the short array syntax with square brackets to create arrays, which is often preferred for its simplicity:

$fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"];