PHP MySQL all functions

The MySQLi extension in PHP provides a set of functions for interacting with a MySQL database using the procedural style. Here’s an overview of the most commonly used MySQLi functions:

Connection Functions

  1. mysqli_connect()

    • Establishes a connection to a MySQL database.
    • Syntax: mysqli_connect(host, username, password, database, port, socket)
  2. mysqli_close()

    • Closes an open MySQL connection.
    • Syntax: mysqli_close(connection)
  3. mysqli_ping()

    • Pings a server connection, or attempts to reconnect if the connection is lost.
    • Syntax: mysqli_ping(connection)

Query Functions

  1. mysqli_query()

    • Executes a query on the database.
    • Syntax: mysqli_query(connection, query, resultmode)
  2. mysqli_prepare()

    • Prepares an SQL statement for execution.
    • Syntax: mysqli_prepare(connection, query)
  3. mysqli_stmt_execute()

    • Executes a prepared statement.
    • Syntax: mysqli_stmt_execute(statement)
  4. mysqli_stmt_bind_param()

    • Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters.
    • Syntax: mysqli_stmt_bind_param(statement, types, var1, var2, ...)
  5. mysqli_stmt_bind_result()

    • Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage.
    • Syntax: mysqli_stmt_bind_result(statement, var1, var2, ...)
  6. mysqli_stmt_get_result()

    • Returns a result set from a prepared statement.
    • Syntax: mysqli_stmt_get_result(statement)
  7. mysqli_stmt_fetch()

    • Fetches the next row of a result set from a prepared statement.
    • Syntax: mysqli_stmt_fetch(statement)
  8. mysqli_stmt_close()

    • Closes a prepared statement.
    • Syntax: mysqli_stmt_close(statement)

Result Set Functions

  1. mysqli_fetch_assoc()

    • Fetches a result row as an associative array.
    • Syntax: mysqli_fetch_assoc(result)
  2. mysqli_fetch_row()

    • Fetches a result row as a numeric array.
    • Syntax: mysqli_fetch_row(result)
  3. mysqli_fetch_array()

    • Fetches a result row as an associative, numeric, or both array.
    • Syntax: mysqli_fetch_array(result, resulttype)
  4. mysqli_fetch_object()

    • Fetches a result row as an object.
    • Syntax: mysqli_fetch_object(result, class_name, params)
  5. mysqli_num_rows()

    • Returns the number of rows in a result set.
    • Syntax: mysqli_num_rows(result)
  6. mysqli_affected_rows()

    • Returns the number of affected rows in the last INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE, or DELETE query.
    • Syntax: mysqli_affected_rows(connection)
  7. mysqli_free_result()

    • Frees the memory associated with a result.
    • Syntax: mysqli_free_result(result)

Error Handling Functions

  1. mysqli_error()

    • Returns a string description of the last error.
    • Syntax: mysqli_error(connection)
  2. mysqli_errno()

    • Returns the error code for the last error.
    • Syntax: mysqli_errno(connection)

Utility Functions

  1. mysqli_real_escape_string()

    • Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement.
    • Syntax: mysqli_real_escape_string(connection, string)
  2. mysqli_fetch_lengths()

    • Returns the lengths of the columns in the result set.
    • Syntax: mysqli_fetch_lengths(result)
  3. mysqli_fetch_all()

    • Fetches all result rows as an array.
    • Syntax: mysqli_fetch_all(result, resulttype)

Transaction Functions

  1. mysqli_autocommit()

    • Turns automatic commit on or off.
    • Syntax: mysqli_autocommit(connection, mode)
  2. mysqli_commit()

    • Commits the current transaction.
    • Syntax: mysqli_commit(connection)
  3. mysqli_rollback()

    • Rolls back the current transaction.
    • Syntax: mysqli_rollback(connection)

Example Usage

Here’s a brief example that demonstrates some of these functions:

// Connect to the database $conn = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database'); if (!$conn) { die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error()); } // Execute a SELECT query $sql = "SELECT username, email FROM users"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); if ($result) { // Get number of rows $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result); echo "Number of rows: " . $num_rows . "<br>"; // Fetch and display rows while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo "Username: " . $row['username'] . " - Email: " . $row['email'] . "<br>"; } // Free the result set mysqli_free_result($result); } else { echo "Error: " . mysqli_error($conn); } // Close the connection mysqli_close($conn); ?>