PHP OOP __clone method

The __clone() method in PHP is a magic method that is automatically invoked when an object is cloned using the clone keyword. This method allows you to define custom behavior for the cloning process, including how properties of the object should be copied or modified during cloning. It is particularly useful when dealing with objects that contain references to other objects or resources that require deep copying.

Key Features of __clone()

  1. Automatic Invocation: The __clone() method is automatically called when an object is cloned, making it an ideal place to define custom cloning logic.

  2. Shallow vs. Deep Copy: By default, PHP performs a shallow copy of objects, meaning that only the object's properties are copied, and if those properties are objects themselves, they are copied by reference. The __clone() method allows you to implement deep copying if necessary.

  3. Custom Logic: You can include any custom logic in the __clone() method to manipulate the cloned object's properties, such as initializing certain properties or creating new instances of referenced objects.

Example of Using __clone()

Here’s a simple example to illustrate how the __clone() method works in PHP:

class Address { public $city; public $country; public function __construct($city, $country) { $this->city = $city; $this->country = $country; } } class User { public $name; public $address; public function __construct($name, Address $address) { $this->name = $name; $this->address = $address; } // Magic method to handle object cloning public function __clone() { // Create a new instance of Address for the cloned User $this->address = clone $this->address; // Ensures a deep copy of the Address object } } // Creating a new Address and User object $address1 = new Address("New York", "USA"); $user1 = new User("John Doe", $address1); // Cloning the User object $user2 = clone $user1; // Changing the address of the cloned user $user2->address->city = "Los Angeles"; // Output the details echo $user1->name . " lives in " . $user1->address->city . ", " . $user1->address->country . "\n"; // Outputs: John Doe lives in New York, USA echo $user2->name . " lives in " . $user2->address->city . ", " . $user2->address->country . "\n"; // Outputs: John Doe lives in Los Angeles, USA

Explanation of the Example

  1. Class Definitions: The Address class contains properties for city and country, while the User class has properties for name and address.

  2. Constructor Methods: Both classes have constructors to initialize their properties.

  3. Magic Method (__clone()): The __clone() method in the User class is implemented to create a new instance of the Address class when the User object is cloned. This ensures that each User object has its own distinct Address object, preventing shared references.

  4. Object Creation: A new Address object ($address1) and a User object ($user1) are created.

  5. Object Cloning: The User object ($user1) is cloned to create a new User object ($user2). Due to the __clone() method, the address property of $user2 is a new instance of the Address class.

  6. Modification: The city of the cloned user's address is changed to "Los Angeles".

  7. Output: The details of both users are printed, demonstrating that $user1 and $user2 have different addresses despite sharing the same User name.

Benefits of Using __clone()

  1. Custom Cloning Logic: It allows you to define custom behavior during the cloning process, making it easier to manage complex objects.

  2. Deep Copying: It enables deep copying of nested objects, preventing unintended sharing of references between cloned objects.

  3. Encapsulation: The __clone() method helps maintain encapsulation by controlling how properties are copied during cloning.

  4. Data Integrity: By managing the cloning process, you can ensure the integrity of the data within your objects.

Usage Considerations

  • Implement __clone() when you have properties that are objects themselves or need special handling during cloning.
  • Remember that if you don't implement __clone(), PHP will perform a shallow copy, which may lead to shared references if your object contains properties that are objects.
  • Ensure that the __clone() method does not perform any actions that could lead to unintended side effects, such as modifying the original object.


The __clone() magic method is a powerful feature in PHP that enhances the functionality of object-oriented programming. It allows you to control the cloning process, enabling deep copying of objects and the management of complex data structures. Understanding and effectively using the __clone() method can lead to more robust and maintainable applications in PHP.