PHP OOP Implementing Interfaces

Implementing Interfaces in PHP Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) refers to the process of creating a class that adheres to the requirements specified by an interface. An interface in PHP acts as a contract, defining methods that a class must implement but leaving the specific implementation details to each class.

Why Use Interfaces?

  • Enforce Consistency: Interfaces help enforce that multiple classes provide the same set of functionalities, which ensures consistency in your application.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Interfaces provide flexibility by allowing different classes to implement the same interface, potentially in different ways. This makes your codebase more scalable and easier to extend.
  • Polymorphism: Interfaces help in writing polymorphic code, allowing you to interact with different classes through a common interface.

Creating and Implementing an Interface

An interface is created using the interface keyword, and any class that wants to conform to this interface must implement all the methods declared within it. Here’s how it works:

  1. Define an Interface: Define an interface with the method signatures you want classes to implement.
  2. Implement the Interface: Use the implements keyword in a class to indicate that it is implementing an interface.
  3. Define All Methods: The class must define all the methods declared in the interface.

Example of Defining and Implementing an Interface

// Step 1: Define an interface interface Logger { public function log($message); } // Step 2: Implement the interface in a class class FileLogger implements Logger { public function log($message) { echo "Logging message to a file: $message\n"; } } class DatabaseLogger implements Logger { public function log($message) { echo "Logging message to the database: $message\n"; } } // Step 3: Use the implemented classes $fileLogger = new FileLogger(); $fileLogger->log("This is a file log."); // Outputs: Logging message to a file: This is a file log. $databaseLogger = new DatabaseLogger(); $databaseLogger->log("This is a database log."); // Outputs: Logging message to the database: This is a database log.


  1. Interface Definition (Logger):
    • The Logger interface declares a method log($message). This is essentially a "contract" that any class implementing Logger must have a log() method.
  2. Implementing Classes (FileLogger and DatabaseLogger):
    • Both FileLogger and DatabaseLogger implement the Logger interface.
    • Each class provides its own implementation of the log($message) method.
  3. Using Implemented Classes:
    • Instances of FileLogger and DatabaseLogger can be used interchangeably wherever a Logger is required. This is the essence of polymorphism.

Multiple Interfaces

A class can implement more than one interface, allowing for multiple behaviors to be defined.

interface Logger { public function log($message); } interface Formatter { public function format($message); } class FileLoggerWithFormatter implements Logger, Formatter { public function log($message) { echo "Logging: $message\n"; } public function format($message) { return strtoupper($message); } } $logger = new FileLoggerWithFormatter(); $formattedMessage = $logger->format("This is a message."); $logger->log($formattedMessage); // Outputs: Logging: THIS IS A MESSAGE.

Important Characteristics of Implementing Interfaces

  1. Must Implement All Methods: A class that implements an interface must provide concrete implementations for all methods declared in the interface, or it will result in an error.

    interface PaymentGateway { public function processPayment($amount); } class PayPalPayment implements PaymentGateway { public function processPayment($amount) { echo "Processing payment of $amount via PayPal.\n"; } } // Correct Implementation: All methods in PaymentGateway are implemented
  2. Visibility: The visibility of the methods implemented from an interface must be public. This is because all methods in an interface are implicitly public.

    interface Worker { public function work(); } class Employee implements Worker { // Method visibility must be public to match the interface requirement public function work() { echo "Employee is working.\n"; } }
  3. Polymorphism: Implementing interfaces makes it easy to work with multiple classes in a uniform way. For example, different payment processors can be interchanged as long as they implement a common PaymentGateway interface.

    class PaymentProcessor { private $paymentGateway; public function __construct(PaymentGateway $paymentGateway) { $this->paymentGateway = $paymentGateway; } public function pay($amount) { $this->paymentGateway->processPayment($amount); } } $paypal = new PayPalPayment(); $processor = new PaymentProcessor($paypal); $processor->pay(100); // Outputs: Processing payment of 100 via PayPal.

Practical Use Cases for Interfaces

  1. Dependency Injection: Interfaces are commonly used with dependency injection to provide flexibility. When a class depends on an interface instead of a specific implementation, you can easily switch the dependency for another class that implements the same interface.

    class Notification { private $notifier; public function __construct(NotificationInterface $notifier) { $this->notifier = $notifier; } public function send($message) { $this->notifier->notify($message); } }
  2. Plug-and-Play Implementation: When you have a set of functionalities that can be implemented differently (e.g., StorageInterface for different types of storage like FileStorage and DatabaseStorage), you can use interfaces to ensure that each type of storage has a standard set of methods.

  3. Consistent Structure: Interfaces provide a consistent way to ensure that different classes, which may not share a common ancestor, adhere to a certain structure or provide specific methods.

  4. Extensible Codebase: Interfaces make your code more extensible. New classes can be added that implement existing interfaces, allowing you to extend your system without modifying the existing code.

Interfaces vs Abstract Classes

  • Interfaces:
    • Only contain method signatures (no implementation).
    • A class can implement multiple interfaces.
    • Used when you need to enforce multiple behaviors across different classes.
  • Abstract Classes:
    • Can have properties, methods with implementation, and constructors.
    • A class can extend only one abstract class.
    • Useful when you need a base class with common functionality that other classes can share.


  • Interface: Defines a contract that a class must fulfill by implementing all declared methods.
  • Implements Keyword: A class uses the implements keyword to use an interface.
  • Enforces Consistency: Interfaces ensure that different classes have consistent methods, while allowing each class to implement these methods differently.
  • Multiple Interface Implementation: Classes can implement multiple interfaces, giving them more flexibility to add behaviors.

Interfaces are a fundamental part of PHP's object-oriented programming that help in building modular, reusable, and maintainable code. They are particularly powerful when combined with dependency injection and polymorphism, as they enable you to write code that is less tightly coupled to specific implementations, resulting in systems that are easier to extend and maintain.