PHP OOP __set method

The __set() method in PHP is a magic method that is invoked when an attempt is made to set the value of a property that is either inaccessible (due to visibility constraints like private or protected) or does not exist. This method allows you to define custom behavior for setting properties, making it possible to handle access to object properties dynamically.

Key Features of __set()

  1. Dynamic Property Assignment: The __set() method enables dynamic assignment of properties, allowing you to manage how properties are set.

  2. Inaccessible Properties: It can be used to provide controlled access to private or protected properties in a class.

  3. Parameterization: The method accepts two parameters: the name of the property being set and the value to assign to that property.

  4. Validation and Processing: You can use the __set() method to validate or preprocess data before assigning it to a property.

  5. No Return Value: The __set() method does not return a value.

Example of Using __set()

Here’s a simple example to illustrate how the __set() method works in PHP:

class User { private $name; private $email; // Setter method using __set() public function __set($property, $value) { if ($property === 'name') { // Validate and set the name property if (is_string($value) && !empty($value)) { $this->name = $value; } else { echo "Invalid name value.\n"; } } elseif ($property === 'email') { // Validate and set the email property if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $this->email = $value; } else { echo "Invalid email address.\n"; } } } // Method to display user info public function displayInfo() { return "Name: {$this->name}, Email: {$this->email}"; } } // Creating a new User object $user = new User(); // Setting properties using __set() $user->name = "John Doe"; // Valid name $user->email = ""; // Valid email echo $user->displayInfo(); // Outputs: Name: John Doe, Email: // Attempting to set invalid values $user->name = ""; // Outputs: Invalid name value. $user->email = "invalid_email"; // Outputs: Invalid email address.

Explanation of the Example

  1. Class Definition: The User class is defined with two private properties: $name and $email.

  2. Setter Method (__set()): The __set() method is implemented to handle property assignments. It checks the name of the property being set and applies validation before assigning the value to the respective property. If the property does not exist or the value is invalid, it outputs an error message.

  3. Object Creation: A new User object ($user) is created.

  4. Setting Properties: The properties name and email are assigned values using the object. When valid values are assigned, they are stored in the object's properties. If invalid values are provided, appropriate error messages are displayed.

  5. Displaying Information: The displayInfo() method returns the current values of the name and email properties.

Benefits of Using __set()

  1. Encapsulation: The __set() method supports encapsulation by allowing controlled access to private or protected properties, thus hiding the internal representation of an object.

  2. Dynamic Property Handling: It allows for dynamic property assignment, enabling custom behavior for how properties are set.

  3. Validation and Preprocessing: You can implement validation or data preprocessing in the __set() method, ensuring that only valid data is assigned to properties.

  4. Error Handling: You can handle errors or provide feedback for attempts to assign invalid values.

Usage Considerations

  • While __set() provides flexibility, it can also make the code less predictable, as it allows for dynamic behavior. Therefore, it’s essential to use it judiciously.
  • Documenting the use of __set() in your classes can help other developers (or your future self) understand the intended behavior when setting properties.


The __set() magic method is a powerful feature in PHP that enhances the flexibility and encapsulation of classes. It allows for controlled property assignments and can implement custom behavior for property setting. Understanding and effectively using the __set() method can help you create more robust and maintainable object-oriented applications in PHP.