PHP OOP __sleep method

The __sleep() method in PHP is a magic method that is invoked when an object is serialized. Serialization is the process of converting an object into a format that can be easily stored or transmitted, such as when saving an object to a file or sending it over a network. The __sleep() method allows you to define which properties of an object should be serialized and can also perform any necessary cleanup before serialization.

Key Features of __sleep()

  1. Property Selection: The primary purpose of the __sleep() method is to specify which properties of the object should be serialized. It returns an array of the names of the properties to be serialized.

  2. Cleanup Tasks: Before the serialization process takes place, you can perform any necessary cleanup tasks within the __sleep() method. For example, you might want to remove properties that are not relevant for serialization, such as temporary data or resource handles.

  3. Automatic Invocation: The __sleep() method is automatically called when the serialize() function is invoked on an object.

Example of Using __sleep()

Here’s a simple example to illustrate how the __sleep() method works in PHP:

class User { public $name; public $email; public $password; // Sensitive information that we might not want to serialize public $lastLogin; public function __construct($name, $email, $password) { $this->name = $name; $this->email = $email; $this->password = $password; $this->lastLogin = time(); } // Magic method to control serialization public function __sleep() { // Return the properties to be serialized return ['name', 'email', 'lastLogin']; } // Magic method to control deserialization public function __wakeup() { // Restore any resources or reinitialize properties if needed // For example, you might want to reset the lastLogin to a specific value $this->lastLogin = time(); } } // Creating a new User object $user = new User("John Doe", "", "securepassword"); // Serializing the object $serializedUser = serialize($user); echo $serializedUser; // Unserializing the object $unserializedUser = unserialize($serializedUser); print_r($unserializedUser);

Explanation of the Example

  1. Class Definition: The User class contains several properties: $name, $email, $password, and $lastLogin.

  2. Constructor Method: The constructor initializes the properties when a new object is created.

  3. Magic Method (__sleep()): The __sleep() method is implemented to specify which properties should be serialized. In this case, it returns an array containing the names of the properties to be serialized: ['name', 'email', 'lastLogin']. The $password property is excluded from serialization for security reasons.

  4. Magic Method (__wakeup()): The __wakeup() method is another magic method that is invoked when an object is unserialized. It can be used to reinitialize properties or restore resources. In this example, the lastLogin property is reset to the current time when the object is unserialized.

  5. Object Creation and Serialization: A new User object is created, and the object is serialized using the serialize() function. The serialized string representation of the object is then printed.

  6. Object Unserialization: The serialized object is unserialized using the unserialize() function, and the resulting object is printed.

Benefits of Using __sleep()

  1. Controlled Serialization: You can control which properties are serialized, allowing you to exclude sensitive or unnecessary data from being stored.

  2. Data Integrity: By specifying properties to serialize, you can ensure that only relevant information is retained during the serialization process.

  3. Resource Management: The __sleep() method allows for cleanup tasks, which can help manage resources effectively.

  4. Compatibility with __wakeup(): When used in conjunction with the __wakeup() method, you can manage both serialization and deserialization processes efficiently.

Usage Considerations

  • The __sleep() method should return an array of property names that exist in the object; otherwise, it may lead to runtime errors.
  • Ensure that sensitive information is excluded from serialization for security purposes.
  • Be aware of the implications of restoring properties in the __wakeup() method, especially if they depend on external resources or states.


The __sleep() magic method is a valuable feature in PHP that enhances the functionality of object-oriented programming by allowing you to control the serialization process. It enables you to define which properties should be serialized and perform any necessary cleanup tasks, leading to better resource management and data integrity. Understanding and effectively using the __sleep() method can contribute to more robust and maintainable applications in PHP.