Python all(set) function

The all(set) function in Python is used to check if all elements in the given iterable (such as a set) evaluate to True. It returns a Boolean value: True if all elements are true (or if the iterable is empty), and False if at least one element is false.


result = all(iterable)
  • iterable: The iterable (e.g., a set, list, tuple, etc.) that you want to check.

Return Value

  • Returns True if all elements in the iterable are true; otherwise, it returns False.


Here are some examples to illustrate how all(set) works:

1. Basic Example with Boolean Values

# Creating a set of boolean values my_set = {True, True, True} # Checking if all elements are True result = all(my_set) print(result) # Output: True

In this example, since all values in my_set are True, the result is True.

2. Example with Mixed Values

# Creating a set with mixed values my_set = {1, "hello", [1, 2], True} # Checking if all elements are True result = all(my_set) print(result) # Output: True

Here, all elements (an integer, a non-empty string, a non-empty list, and True) are truthy, so the result is True.

3. Example with at Least One False Value

# Creating a set with one false value my_set = {1, "hello", 0, True} # Checking if all elements are True result = all(my_set) print(result) # Output: False

In this case, since 0 evaluates to false, the result is False.

4. Example with an Empty Set

# Creating an empty set empty_set = set() # Checking if all elements are True result = all(empty_set) print(result) # Output: True

Since the set is empty, all(empty_set) returns True, as the condition of "all elements being true" is vacuously satisfied.

Use Cases

  • Validation Checks: all() is useful for determining if all conditions in a collection are met, such as checking if all user inputs are valid.
  • Data Integrity: Often used in scenarios where you need to ensure that every item in a dataset meets certain criteria.


The all(set) function is a straightforward way to check if all elements in a set (or any iterable) are truthy. It returns a Boolean value and is particularly useful in scenarios involving validation checks and data integrity assessments.