Python Nested Conditional Statements

Nested Conditional Statements in Python

A nested conditional statement refers to placing one if, elif, or else statement inside another. This is used when you need to check multiple conditions and perform different actions based on combinations of those conditions.

By nesting conditional statements, you can create more complex decision-making processes where the program's flow depends on several conditions being true or false.


if condition1: if condition2: # Execute this block if both condition1 and condition2 are True else: # Execute this block if condition1 is True, but condition2 is False else: # Execute this block if condition1 is False

Example 1: Basic Nested if Statements

Here’s an example that shows basic nested conditional statements:

age = 18 has_ticket = True if age >= 18: if has_ticket: print("You can enter the concert.") else: print("You need a ticket to enter.") else: print("You are too young to enter.")


  • The first if checks whether age is 18 or greater.
  • If age >= 18 is True, it checks the second condition (if has_ticket).
  • If has_ticket is True, it prints "You can enter the concert."
  • If has_ticket is False, it prints "You need a ticket to enter."
  • If the first condition age >= 18 is False, it prints "You are too young to enter."

Example 2: Nested if-elif-else Statements

You can also nest if-elif-else statements to handle multiple conditions at each level.

x = 10 y = 5 if x > 0: if y > 0: print("Both x and y are positive.") elif y == 0: print("x is positive, but y is zero.") else: print("x is positive, but y is negative.") else: if y > 0: print("x is non-positive, but y is positive.") elif y == 0: print("Both x and y are zero.") else: print("Both x and y are non-positive.")


  • The outer if checks if x > 0.
  • If x > 0 is True, it checks the value of y using an inner if-elif-else.
    • If y > 0, it prints "Both x and y are positive."
    • If y == 0, it prints "x is positive, but y is zero."
    • If y < 0, it prints "x is positive, but y is negative."
  • If the outer if condition x > 0 is False, the program moves to the outer else block, where it checks y with another inner if-elif-else.

Example 3: Using Nested Conditionals with Logical Operators

You can sometimes avoid deep nesting by using logical operators like and and or to combine multiple conditions. Here’s an example comparing both approaches.

Deep Nesting:

x = 15 if x > 10: if x < 20: print("x is between 10 and 20")

Equivalent Using Logical Operators:

x = 15 if 10 < x < 20: # Equivalent to if x > 10 and x < 20 print("x is between 10 and 20")

The second approach is more concise and readable by combining conditions with the and operator.

Example 4: Nested Conditionals for Multiple Scenarios

Let’s look at a more practical example:

time = 14 day = "Saturday" if time < 12: if day == "Saturday" or day == "Sunday": print("It's the weekend morning.") else: print("It's a weekday morning.") else: if day == "Saturday" or day == "Sunday": print("It's the weekend afternoon.") else: print("It's a weekday afternoon.")


  • The outer if checks whether time is before noon (time < 12).
  • If time is before noon, it checks whether it’s the weekend or weekday using the inner if.
  • Similarly, if the time is after noon, the nested if-else checks if it’s the weekend or weekday.

Key Points to Remember

  • Readability: Deeply nested if statements can become difficult to read and maintain. It’s a good practice to limit nesting or refactor your code to simplify conditions when possible.
  • Logical Operators: Sometimes, you can combine conditions with logical operators like and or or to avoid deep nesting.
  • Complexity: Nested conditionals are useful when you have multiple layers of conditions, but be careful not to over-complicate the logic.


Nested conditional statements allow for more complex decision-making in Python. They are powerful tools but should be used judiciously to ensure code remains readable and maintainable.